Arumi Bachsin teen actress will appear in feature films ' Putih Abu-Abu dan Sepatu Kets'. In the film, was nervous when Arumi melakoni melakoni kissing scene. 15-year-old girl was admitted many obstacles met during the kiss scene melakoni. Even Nayato Fio Nuala, the director must take over and over again.

In the film, acting as Arumi Dea, the girl who experienced depression after his beloved film video porno Adit spread via the Internet. While the character played by Duke Koesmaji Adit.
According to the girl who once rumored to close this Afghan singer, she had several lovers, but without the kiss. "I've been going out three times. 6th grade elementary school, junior class 1 and class 1 high school. Jomblo I am now," he said.
Meanwhile, Duke Kusmadji, actor-boyfriend Adit-Dea honestly admit that it was not her first kiss. "But this is the first kiss scene in the movie made," he said.
Arumi claimed many obstacles met during the kiss scene moment. In fact, Nayato Fio Nuala, the director, must take over and over again. In the film, acting as Arumi Dea, the girl who experienced depression after the bed scene videotaped by Adit spread via the Internet.
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