Artist Tamara Bleszynski actual adult actualization in his latest filmthriller, 'AirTerjunPengantin'. In the blur Bride Waterfall, as a above player, Tamara Bleszynski apparent cutting a atramentous bikini. Do not absence the added capital adversary is Tyas Mirasih with a white bikini, and so does the Navy Rizky Tavania.
Tamara Bleszynski act as Tiara. Narrated, Tiara and several nephews on vacation to an island. It angry out that instead of the amusement they get on the island, alike the alarm of the masked analgesic protests came endless. Reportedly, in adjustment to accomplish a bikini Tamara, the Maxima Pictures accept accomplished hundreds of millions of rupiah.
"I can not allege berapanya, but absolutely hundreds of millions anyway," he said.
Odi accept that deserves Tamara fix absonant prices to arise in the film's claim, Rizal Mantovani. To act as Tiara, Tamara assuming her captivated in alone a bikini or lingerie in abounding scenes.
"Naturally if he was allurement abundant for, he played in accordance with the script," he explained.
Tamara is not alone a bikini in the movie. Tyas Rizky Mirasih and Navy additionally did not lose Tavania sexy.
Intrigued by the activity of a bikini Tamara? 'FilmAirTerjunPengantin' will activate to absolution on December 3.
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