Outstanding video 'MesradiKampus' absolutely scandalous. Police continued to hunt for the perpetrators and also cast recording is recorded in the video. After Polresta pursuit of Malang, Malang District Police also did an investigation into the video that moved from one file to another file. "We'll find out after studying this video, which obviously leads to the principal investigation video recorder because the couple became the object of student records and is the victim," said Kanit Idik I Satreskrim Police Malang, Sutiyo found crime scene after residents were killed in the village of Pakisjajar, Pakis District, Malang Regency. According to the principals can Sutiyo snared the law on information technology, law on film for spreading films without censorship. "Many of applied art or laws that could ensnare the recorder players," he said. Backsound existence of sound, Sutiyo information, which alleged perpetrator out of the recorder in
video also indicated that the perpetrator intentionally steal the picture. "Perpetrator recorder and disseminator of this video to be revealed," he said.Heboh Video Mesum(Bokep) Mesra Mahasiswa UMM Malang

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